... continuation of my super-long response; this is a 2nd post...
A quick note - Heather said it right - yeasts are a natural part of our microbiomes and the purpose is to find that balance again. When I write "get rid of Candida" what I mean is get it into the balance with the rest of your microbiome.
MOST IMPORTANT thing to do long term is - change the diet. This has to do with the part "remove the source of food for Candida". The thing is - you can (try to) kill as much Candida with either drugs or herbs/natural medicine, but if there is a lot of food source for it, it will just (over)grow back and you're stuck in that same cycle over and over again.
Candida species thrive on various sugars - for C. albicans it's a lot of different ones, for C. glabrata it's mostly glucose and trehalose (by current knowledge) - so
you have to modify your diet by avoiding sugars and other (simple) carbohydrates. There is some other stuff to remove from the diet too. Depending on the severity of the infection, you may even have to avoid food that are high in complex carbohydrates, at least in the first and most rigorous phase. Those can be added back in the diet in later stages bit by bit, to see if your body can handle them without causing Candida going wild again.
At the beginning this part
should include more rigorous diet change (I did some 5-6 months), but after some time, preferrably when test show that you got rid of infection/overgrowth, you can start to eat some of those bit by bit if they don't give you back the symptoms.
Sugars, modern wheat esp. as white flour, industrial yeast and alcohol are the worst and should be avoided long-term (this includes all industrally processed foods that contains those, at least in higher quantities). Other food can, after some time, be added to the diet bit by bit to see if you can eat it without problems. Some of those you can eventualy eat without any problem, some will have to be relegated to eating once in a while.
Foods to avoid/remove from the diet:
- sugar in all it's forms (white, brown etc.),
- syrups - including maple syrup and similar; some even say to remove
honey as it is high in simple sugars
- most fruits incl. dried fruits - if it's sweet it has to go, if it's sour than you can try it
- alcohol - here I found that beer is the worst (besides alcohol it has a lot of active industrial yeast, even after 10 years I can get only 1-2 small beers - 0,3 l - per year), but for start you have to remove it all
- vinegar
- white flour - bread, pasta etc.
- industrial yeast - unfortunately used in large quantities everywhere for the speed of baking, brewing etc. (this year I started my own
sourdough with wild yeasts and bacteria from the air and so far so good)
milk and
dairy - goats milk is the one that can be ok, depends from person to person;
- starch,
- other grains - wheat, corn, rye, oats, rice etc.; this includes cus-cus, bulgur, cornflakes, muesli, oatmeal etc. (note - in the later phase you can eat some or all of these, depending on your reaction; regarding wheat - stay clear of modern wheat and try spelt, khamut and similar)
mushrooms can also be a problem
- beans and other legumes and pulses
- all industrial oils and fats
- artificial sweeteners
- industrial cured meats (sausages, bacon, pates etc.) that have different chemical additives (glutaminates, nitrates etc.) and/or sugar
and any food that have those as ingredients.
That includes bread (you can still do some homemade variants but without bakers yeast and wheat flour), sweets, sodas, and almost all industrially processed food (
read those ingredients lists!!! **). Watch for added sugar in food and beverages bought in the stores - in ingredients list it can show as: sugar, corn syrup, glucose syrup, high-fructose corn syrup and simmilar; also watch for added wheat/flour, industrial fats, conservans.
Depending on the severity of symptoms you may have to remove completely or eat just small amounts (at least in the beginning) of:
- potatoes
- even some
root vegetables such as carrots, beets... (onions and other alliums are ok!!)
Main source of food are proteins and fats + veggies:
- meat and eggs and entrails (offals???, what is the right word here?) - preferrably organic, not treated with antibiotics!,
- fish and sea organisms,
- different plant oils - cold pressed and non refined, e.g. olive oil, coconut oil
- animal fat in various forms (and from different animals) and butter
- nuts and seeds - but not peanut!
- vegetables (that are not high in carbohydrates)
- herbs; spices; incl. ginger and curcuma and similar
- lacto-fermented food - sauerkraut and other veggies, homemade yoghurt and kefir preferably from goat milk (industrial ones don't count here) - non-pasteurised (the process kills lactobacillus bacteria that are one of your biggest allies in restoring balance in the organism!!!)
- homemade cured meats are ok - it mustn't have chemical conservans and sugar!!!
- homemade condiments made with quality ingredients (and no sugar)
This list could be problematic for vegetarians and vegans, in terms of getting all the needed nutrients without grains and legumes.
LCHF and paleo type diets have a lot of good and nutritious recipes for inspiration - for everyone, including vegetarians and vegans.
Stevia is a good natural sweetener; psyllium is good as source of additional fibers but also for making baked goods; nuts, seeds and coconut can be used as flour substitutes.... Important thing is -
you shouldn't be hungry while doing this. If you're losing weight but don't have that extra to loose - use more of the root vegetables.
**Ingredients list in the food is something that is obligatory in EU. I do not know what is the situation in USA and other parts of the world. Hopefully it will be available everywhere in not so long time.... people shoud know what they are eating!