Hi knowledgeable people!
I'm currently juggling ideas in my head for stove building. Just to be clear: I have no practical
experience in this whatsoever, this is just my unqualified dreaming.
My question is this: Say that you wanted to build a "pseudo-RMH", ideally as clean-burning as a proper
RMH. Say that you wanted to do it with a minimum of clay, bricks and similar materials, due to limited supply of these things as well as difficulties transporting them to the build site. Say you wanted to limit the usage by shrinking the size of the thermal mass (no massive
cob bench) and by only building the "shell" of it from these materials, and then filling up with sand etc. This would limit the maximum length of the pipe running through the thermal mass, right? Say you wanted to max out the heat extraction into the thermal mass over this limited distance. Would it be possible to do this by wrapping the pipe in
chicken net, copper wire or other random filamentous scrap metal you have lying around? My thinking is that this would effectively increase the surface area of the pipe, and thereby increase the rate of heat spread into the thermal mass (sand in this case). Does this sound right to you, or did I miss something?
Sorry if this has already been covered in another