First time this has happened and I'm very surprised.
I've been coppicing my alder for four seasons now, and the regrowth has been great. However one tree that I cut last year has not grown back. The only thing I can think of is that I had carelessly left some prunings around the stump and this must have casued a problem. Either the harboured damp
led to an infection, or nibblers ate all the shoots. I'm inclined to the former explanation.
I'm surprised because I'm sure I've read that piling brash around stools is actually suggested in a few places, to keep browsing animals like
deer away from the regrowth. Maybe my climate is just too damp for this strategy. Anyhow I'll not be doing that again! I'll make sure any piles are well clear. Actually I'm planning to move the brash to my 'natural farming' area to give a organic material
boost to the soil for next year. Luckily I've got deer fencing (and a cat) so large and small browsers are not a problem at the moment.
I'll attach a photo of the stump, you can see the healthy regrowth of the
trees behind that were cut at the same time. I have pulled the twigs to one side exposing the dead stump.