Depending on the type of animal you are housing, one of the biggest problems is not warmth, but ventilation. Large animals, equine and bovines producing milk, give off a lot of moisture that must be eliminated.
Fowls like
chickens and duck, give off lots of ammonia, which also needs to be removed. Aluminum sulfate can be used in the litter to reduce the ammonia.
In hog barns ammonia (NH3), hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and
carbon dioxide (CO2). These gases often have a negative impact on air quality, animal health and quality of life within these facilities.
Livestock can survive lots of cold, but the products they give off can cause illness and ultimately lowered production.
Think high ceilings and for newborn calves coats in cold weather. For over 30 years we raised calves in outdoor hutches in temperatures down to -35F.
The warm buildings were for our comfort, not the animals.