If it's flexible and somewhat long, you can probably weave with it. Might as well just try some stuff out. I made a couple ribbed baskets (search for images if unsure what they look like) with some sycamore maple shoots as the ribs, and dried yucca leaves for the weavers. Both I just collected from my small suburban garden--the yucca leaves just shed off the plant and I collected the least dusty ones from the ground underneath (and split them into narrower lengths to make weaving easier). I use them both as harvest baskets, and it doesn't matter how long they hold up because I can make another just as quickly and easily.
I have also woven with willow but it's more of a plan-ahead
project. I'm sure you, like me, have a lot of flexible plant material that could be woven with right now. Vines, suckers from trees/shrubs, daffodil leaves, rushes or sedges, lots of things. Try bending the material and if it doesn't snap, cut a handful and make a little basket with it. Take 20 minutes over it. It's fun!
Not the best basketry photo, but here's one of my yucca baskets in use last spring.
Edited: found the better photo!