Hi MaryAnne,
I too must confess that I do not have any experience with sheep in that area. I can also agree when you talk about not wanting goats. That is one animal I have no desire to deal with.
To answer the reason behind your question, I just wanted to share a thing I noticed in myself. When I would drink a couple large glasses of regular-off-the-shelf-grocery-store milk, I would get bloated and feel blah, and sometimes get diarrhea later. Classic dairy intolerance. When I drank a couple large glasses of raw (unpasteurized) organic milk, I had no issues whatsoever.
There are two general thoughts on why this might be. One, I can't really discuss here because it gets into something that
should be only talked about in the Cider Press, but lets just say one theory is that the cow is raised differently with a different diet. The other theory, is that our bodies don't have
enough of the right enzymes to break down the milk. Raw milk has the enzymes needed for a calf (or a person) to break it down, but when the milk is pasteurized, these enzymes are destroyed. So with pasteurized milk, you end up drinking something that is hard to digest without enzymes... without the enzymes. For myself, drinking the raw milk that still has those enzymes, allows me to enjoy milk without any symptoms.
I guess all that is to say that if you react the same way as I do, that maybe cow milk is an option. I haven't done much keeping of any dairy animal, and am just going off what people say. But... from what people say, cows can be easier to milk and easier to keep than sheep or goats.