Suggest you move up to 3 liter bottles due to wider mouth. You may be able to find them for 89 cents each on sale with soda.
Volunteer to bring soda to the holiday party. Simply rinsing well or if extreme put is some
hot water and 1/32 of a drop of dish washing liquid. Half full, shake, and drain. Repeat, Repeat, Repeat. Until no more suds. Maybe use cold
water. Clean and rinse covers too. Drain upside down in kitchen dish drainer. Shake next day to eliminate drops. Shake second day to eliminate rest of drops. On third day when totally dry fill with salt or sugar leaving a lot of head room. To store rice, or beans try nitrogen packing. Purchase a scuba size tank. Put probe into bottom of bottle. Slowly, more slowly than that, slowly let gas into bottle. Use a match out side of container to tell when nitrogen overtops. Leave a lot of head space. Use safe practices of always securing tank with chain to a wall. Or risk a cannon in your house. Use the open bed of a truck to transport it. Chain to wall of truck upright. For flour store grain using similar method and grinder. This is very handy to keep a few bottles on top of refrigerator for cooking. Not as big as a 5 gallon
bucket. That is maybe a good thing. Using 2 liter bottles makes this not fun.