Hi Michael, like Anne says, lemon balm is a prolific plant (self-seeding) and edible, mountain mint is also less aggressive than other mints. Both are tall, and it's fun to walk next to them and brush into and get a whiff of mint or lemon.
Vinca (periwinkle) is low-growing creeping groundcover, with nice foliage and pretty periwinkle color flowers, seems to block out other stuff, does well in shade.
Lily of the valley (sort of aggressively spready?) also does well in shade.
Daylilies are edible (haven't tried myself) also do a decent job of taking up space.
Rhubarb? can grow quite large but it is a heavy feeder, so you'd need to amend that area. It would be good in a sunny spot.
If you have
deer, I'd stay away from hostas.
Spring flowers like daffodils/narcissus, hyacinth, squill, snowdrops, tulip, would add color and interest, but they die back in the summer so something else to succeed them would be ideal.
Alliums bloom a bit later, and aren't bother by pests so much, edible ones like chive, garlic chive, garlic, Egyptian (walking) onions would be great.
I'm going to send you a Purple Moosage, we're maybe 20 minutes apart? I may have some of these to offer right now! before I trample them with a