I am going slowly mad here with total bewilderment as to what to do with our
trees. I haven't put this in 'woodland care' because it's not quite woodland, more a collection of trees on the perimeter of our property.
First question - Laurels - good or bad. At present way out of hand and swamping other things like oaks and chestnuts. If we SEVERLY cut them back will that be
enough for the other trees to grow strong.
Second question - false arcacia/
black locust - good or bad. I'd heard good - seed pods for chooks, a legume etc but now I hear bad and that they're poisonous to stock. Ours are suckering everywhere and the little shoots have such nasty throns on them. The suckers are coming up even 15m away from the tree, and along that line from tree to outer point. What to do?
Thrid question - oaks - ours must have had a mast year every year judging by the number of saplings in the '
lawn'. We're now trying out Paul's lawncare regime and assisted by a distinct lack of
water, haven't cut the grass now for 2 months. But the oaks are coming up thick n fast. Will the mowing take them out? Will the grass out compete them (I fear not)?
Oh baby awake so posting now