I started a small potatoe patch for the first time this year. Put a thin layer of compost on top of the ground and covered the potatoes in 6-8” of old hay. That’s compacted down a bit to probably 4-5”. I have some green starting to poke through now.
When should I add more mulch? Rather at what height on the potatoe greens poking up?
I think the variety affects the depth of mulch/soil needed to protect the potato tubers from sunlight and keep them from turning green (i.e., somewhat poisonous).
Some potatoes are determinate, meaning they tend to finish early and don't grow tubers much above the level they were planted at. We grow Norlands as our early season variety, and they are determinate.
Indeterminate varieties keep growing much longer, and as the plant stretches upward it forms new tubers above the original planting level. These require deeper mulch/hilling on an ongoing basis.
When the plants are 6-8 inches tall is when it is recommended to hill the potatoes.
I could not hill mine due to the wind just blowing the hills away.
In your case, I would suggest adding more mulch and then again when the plants grow another 6-8 inches.
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Thanks sorry I’m a totally newb when it comes to potato. All advice much appreciated. Crazy I always label my starts but never crossed my mind on the darn potatoes