thread has been haunting me since you posted it and finally yesterday I made some pudding!
I didn’t have vanilla in any form so I made chocolate pudding with cocoa powder and also I used potato starch instead of cornstarch.
A quick search advised me to use a bit less potato starch than if I was using cornstarch.
The ratio was 1 part potato starch = 1,5 parts cornstarch.
The potato starch doesn’t like to be boiled, so first I mixed all the dry ingredients in a sauce pot really well and then added the cold
Then I started heating it and mixed it with a whisk continuously until it bubbled. Then off from the heat and to a cold bath to cool it down, mixing a bit every once in a while. Then on to bowls and in to the fridge!
Today I whipped some cream to go with it, what a treat..!