Hello all!
Once upon a time, my family bought an expensive
solar setup so that we could have stable power while we were off-grid. However, frequently we would have stretches of time where there just wasn't
enough sun to charge the batteries, and the fridge would start to spoil. This happened over and over in a particularly cloudy season.
I'm wondering if there is a way to generate electricity from a
Rocket Mass Heater. If we were running a
RMH or other rockety device on a regular basis, it would be great to use a little of that
energy to be trickle charging some kind of truck or deep cell battery at the same time. Ideally, when my system is running low and the forecast is cloudy, i could have some batteries all juiced up and ready to swap out.
I'm not particularly interested in a boom-squish situation, although it seems clear that a teapot steaming (is that unpressurized? partially?) could probably turn a wheel and generate a trickle charge, perhaps too tiny to be useful. I would have to vent the steam outside, it is already way too humid where I am! I'm not sure this is a practical approach.
It looks like you can buy this device that can give you 45 watts using a thermoelectric generator, which seems less dangerous, but it's pretty pricey. Its existence is encouraging:
I don't really know anything about thermoelectric generators except having read the Wikipedia page. My question for you folks is: could we build a thermoelectric generator around the barrel of a
rocket mass heater? Wrap it in special wires?