You may have recently purchased the
Permaculture Adventure Bundle, and also back at the start of the year, the
Homesteading bundle. Whew - you are well on your way to an epic
permaculture library of resources! Anyway, you may have noticed these look a bit different on your '
my stuff' page. Someone asked about this, and I've replied below, in case anyone else wonders the same thing:
I purchased the Homesteading Bundle Jan. 2023 and it is listed under My Stuff as Homesteading Bundle and when I click on it, it takes me to
a page to purchase the bundle.
I can access the recent purchase of Permaculture adventure bundle which has all the items listed separately.
I would assume each item for the Homesteading bundle would also be separate but they are not.
In any case I can't seem to access this bundle? Can you advise what the issue is and look into it from your end?
The 2 bundles do have slightly different delivery methods. We now have a new improved method for this 2nd bundle (
Permaculture Adventure bundle) which wasn't in place for the 1st bundle (Homesteading bundle).
Regardless, you can still access them both from your My Stuff page, but they do appear a little differently with one extra click needed for the earlier bundle.
January Homesteading bundle - click on the homesteading bundle link on your My stuff page (when logged in). This will take you to the bundle page. Then click on the product you wish to view/download - you
should then be able to watch or download your product on the individual page.
July Permaculture Adventure bundle - each individual item will be listed on your my stuff page. Click on the item and watch/download.