Hi I am new to
permaculture and I am very excited about getting the process in place on my 2 acres. I breed
chickens for sale in my area and I would like to create a enviroment for them outside of a
chicken coop and run. However I live in the hi desert with very little vegetation and I also need to keep each chicken breed separate to
sell as a specific breed. How can I make this happen when I don't have green vegetation to let them graze. It is not practical, but if someone knows of a way I am willing to listen and try. My
chickens are for eggs (when not breeding), meat, and sale of chicks. I want them as comfortable and happy as possible. Hope someone out there has a helpful suggestion. Also, trying to grow veggies here the last 2 years I was not very successful, my soil is sandy and does not have
alot of nutrients. For the past 2 years I have dumped tons of compost/mulch and I hope this year will be a bumper crop. I have 1 year old fruit tree orchard. I am really a beginner. I do have access to large quantities of mulch for free and I started creating wind
berms and will do hulglebeds with tree prunings I have on th property, Juniper (acidic)
Ash, Mulberry
trees and the mulch. I assume this will take several years to get all things going and once I do then my chickens can have access to variety of vegetation. Just want them to be happy now not 3 years from now when it will be their offspring.