Hi there!
My mother A client told me that she was in trouble since she received an order from the municipality to stop irrigating her garden, because of the severe draught. She irrigates usually with a hose, and never thought that it would be possible to suffer restrictions in her house. I told her about the possibility of irrigating with grey
water, and to implement a DIY dripping irrigation system to make the most of it. i could not convince her that mulching the garden would improve water retention as well, especially when I told how much it would cost.
So we did the following arrangement. I would install the deep drip irrigation system, and mulching two zones: one with potting substrate, the other with ground cover plants.
This garden is two years old. Plants survived this summer thanks to the massive hose irrigation. However, a few plants suffered frost a few weeks ago, and show burnt leaves. The order started last week. The client has been using gray water in buckets as much as she was able to figure out.
This is how it looked before any working.
Before the work, the client stated that she preferred to level the ground before applying any mulching, least the mulch go down with the tilt.
It rained the day before, so the soil was moist. Also, this dirt is mostly silt. It was a pleasure to work with it.
I loosened the surface first, so I could level the ground, but when I tried to level it, I noticed that there were far too much stones. These are partly debris from the building, partly natural stones of a hill. A few stones were being used as mulch around some plants.
I then offered to make a french dig against the wall, reducing moisture in the wall, weeds, preventing plants getting too close to the wall (that's too hot for most of them), and most importantly, I could put these stone to some use instead of carrying them out of the property.
Collecting the stones in the ditch was more labor intensive than I expected.
Once the beds almost cleared of stones, I could go on with the leveling. I could transplant a couple of plants that would have ended up buried, but one small plant escaped my radar and was lost in the process.
For the deep irrigation system, I cut a pvc pipe of 50mm diameter into pieces of 25cm. Then dug a hole and buried each pipe only 20 cm, leaving 5 cm above ground. The mulch is 5 cm thick, so the pipe ended up at surface level. These pipes are to be fed with plastic bottles that have a long neck which fits perfectly into the pipes, not needing any further support. Once the irrigation restrictions are removed, we plan to substitute the bottles with a proper dipping pipe.
This is how it looks after applying mulch.
We planted the living mulch later, but I finished very late and it was dark. so no pics for today.