So my garden is kind of on the side of a hill with the north side open into infinity (or at least a mountain in Alaska 15,000 miles away or something). Lots of wind.
I have that exact material stretched over a fence on two sides, West and North. "L" shaped.
It basically sucks.
Windbreaks don't seem to work unless you have
enough spacing to create a pocket of still air. I looked into it once and there is an actual formula for this. In my case of it being only a 25x25 foot spot with the fence right up on it, the wind might be getting reflected over the garden but it just sucks the air from the garden along with it. So I cannot effectively tell if it does any good as far as reducing the effects of the wind on my garden.
Forgot to add: I am currently trying to grow a windbreak to replace the tarp, leaving a gap of about 20ft where I can to create my wind pocket. Jerusalem Artichokes, Rosemary down low, Cedar
trees. Junk like that.