posted 11 years ago
I'm looking for something to move small (4' x 8' or 4' x 4') utility trailers around only a few minutes at a time (short distances - few hundred feet). I have a riding mower with a blown engine so I was thinking strip everything I can can off of it and make it an electric trailer mover. I'm assuming I would need to do the following:
1: Get an electric motor and via some kind of adapter plate hook it up to the transmission.
2: Get some batteries and build a mounting frame to hold them.
3: hook up some kind of speed controller to the motor and provide a "gas peddle" of some kind.
4: charging unit could be on-board or not
I'm looking for a way to do this on the cheep and it really only needs to run 15-20 minutes at a time with hours (if not days) between uses. If I could get away with a 12V system I could use a good standard battery charger (which I already have). Is there something someplace I could read up on this? I have basic electronics knowledge, but have never dealt with motors of any real power.