I stuck with what I know, at least for now. I would like to build a wooden worm bin, but that's for the future.
My poor worms spent the summer in the broken bin.
This weekend I finally got a new bin made. I used a plastic bin. I drilled holes in the top covered with aluminum screen, attached with silicone. I used the aluminum screen because it was what I had. I won't ever use it again. I had to use a good amount of silicone because the edges kept popping out. The bottom has lots of small holes. Since the screen was so hard to work with I decided to use weed cloth to cover the holes. I attached and sealed it with silicone. I have not done this before, so time will tell if it was a good idea, or not.
I soaked shredded
cardboard, and
wood chips. The bedding is mostly shredded cardboard, with wood chips, and some organic compost (bought), and a bit of azamite. I should have put the bedding together and waited a week or two, but I just needed to get it done.
It was the perfect day for this job. It was overcast, and sprinkling. It took a while to separate the worms from the castings, but it's done. I think/hope the worms will thrive in their new home.