Cameron Schuckert wrote:Ok I'll admit this first, I am not looking to go full on homesteader and completely fall off grid. My wife and I have decided that she will carry on working (as a nerse) and I will run the home farm. We will just expand with aquaponics in a greenhouse and maybe a little of the traditional farming too along with raising chickens, cows, pigs, meat rabits, and maybe a working goat or two. We don't plan on having a big operation but as far as the grown produce out of the aquaponics system we would like to be able to sell locally.
I have been trying to do some research on where would be the best place for us. What I want is to live more country and not near a city. I want the freedom of being able to do what I want for the most part but I don't want to have a 4 hour drive to get to town because of my wife working at a hospital or even for supplies for that matter. I also think that it would be a tactically sound decision to move somewhere where fresh food is hard to come by because of the climate such as a desert/arid area or someplace locked by geographical features like Sitka, Alaska.
I have actually really been concidering Sitka because it fits everything and Alaska is gun friendly for hunting and provides everything I stated above and has mild winters. But what I don't know is laws and taxes. I currently live in Virginia and I have been here for a little over a year and a half and holy cow can I tell you that I can't wait to get out. I can't remember a place I have ever lived in that I disliked more than here or even close to it. So where can I go that is the least restictive on you and at least somewhat allows you to be a small buisness in peace?
I was also looking at Different places in Oregon, everywhere from the west coast to even its desert to the east but I did find out that their taxes suck and are not good for small buisness. Or at least thats what I have been reading. But anyway, do any of you guys have any ideas of places that fit my criteria? Or maybe know something of Alaska laws and the pros and cons of living there? Lol maybe I will just go live in Canada? haha
Thanks for reading!
I’m standing in the dirt,
Just a sweatin’ in my shirt.
Got another days work, to get done..
Living in Anjou , France,
For the many not for the few
Living in Anjou , France,
For the many not for the few
John Polk wrote:Alaska is probably the friendliest states as far as taxes go.
At my age, Happy Hour is a nap.
Good night. Drive safely. Here's a tiny ad for the road:
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