I once saw a
video clip of a person that used dried corn cobs as a
mushroom plug. They drilled holes in a log, then placed the tip of the
cob over the hole, and struck the cob, mashing it into the hole. They did this a few times until the hole was full. I assume the cobs were innoculated with spore as I've seen with wooden dowels. Does anyone here have
experience wth this? I've always just tossed my cobs back in the garden to decompose, but I have a pile of mostly oak
firewood (no resinous woods) that's been covered and aged, but not rotten. I'm thinking it might
be nice to cultivate some mushrooms that can be dried for year 'round use this way.
Doeas anyone here have experience with this?
What mushrooms would be a good choice for drying?
Will 18" long logs work for this if I stack them log cabin style?
Am I missing something critical here with this idea?
Thanks in advance for your advice!