tentamous you must get paul stamets book on mycelium running .
It also talks of how fungi produce soil, you put down mats of
wood chips, inoculate them with fungus which turn the chips into soil.
He also talks of how fungi break down poisonous molecules amoung which are herbicides and pesticides. fungi that break down the bonds in phosphate molecules are better at breaking down herbicides and pesticides an dchemical warfare compoundsHe trains special strains of fungi that dissolve phosphorus bonds to get used
enough to vx toxins for instance to undo their molecules.
He finds fungus that produce substances that dissolve the bonds between hydrogen and carbon and change hydrocarbons into carbo hydrates which means petrol into oyster
mushroom. He says the oyster mushrooms are an especially aggressive breaker down of things from wood to petrol and to herbicides.
He trusts fungi to sort out natural disaster problems, if we have not wiped fungi off the site. He says the tips of their hypha produce lots of different substances and find out by trail and error which one will work to break down different molecules. He says fungi have been evolving so long that they have a lot of tricks up their sleeve's and can reduce our unbiodegradable chemical rubbish.
He also says that fungi start off a chain reaction bringing in other types of re-mediators. bacteris also produce acids and enzymes that break down molecules.
This is how they fungi produce a chain reaction that brings in other forms of life to help hte soil .
The oyster mushrooms eat up hydro carbides and when their life comes to and end the fungi flesh is a good food source for microbes, bacteria and such, bringing in the microbial bioremediators to the scene and also the flesh of the mushrooms attracts insects and the insects living off the mushrooms attract birds, most of which are omnivores so they come to eat the insects in the mushroom flesh but as they also eat seeds, leave seeds in their droppings which add plants to the mix and plants can do a bit of fitoremediation which is to say plant remediation.
I know what poisoned soils are, someone put herbicides on a bit of my garden and even ten years later the grasses have not grown back. My problem with trying out paul stamets ideas to better it is, to buy enough woodchips and such, things you need to cover the site you want to cure because you need them as food for your remidiating fungi.
You must read Paul Stamets, he is great on all this. You can also watch him on you tube that is more immediate than looking for his
books in a book shop or ordering them on line at "fungi perfect". agri rose macaskie.