I love my garden. Saying I organic garden is not really accurate, because I really don't use very much organic fertilizer (some just before each new season) mostly I keep trying to build great soil. I don't use organic pest killers, or organic fungicides. I try to build great soil, plant and
water. I don't know what that makes me, a miniaturist? ???
I planted a winter garden, because I'm fortunate to be able to grow year round, but super late because I had so many critter problems. Unfortunately this means there's lots of stuff growing, but not much ready to eat. Last night my daughter asked when the broccoli would be ready? I told her it would be quite a while until it's ready, but I bought broccoli, it's in the fridge. Her response was no thanks, I'll wait. I guess eating veggies from the garden, makes you realize how crummy store bought is. She is going to be pretty tired of kale, Swiss chard, and tree collards by spring. I see I'm going to have to get better at protecting what I grow, so we can enjoy my variety.
On a positive note my youngest son eats from the garden every day. He has not only lost a lot of weight, he says his mental health has improved so much. He feels so much better. He isn't depressed, and finds joy in a lot of small ways in his life. He believes it's the healthy diet. If I didn't have any other reason, this alone would make me want to grow as much as I can.