I recently made a huge mistake and didn't get 2 of my 4 1000 liter tanks professionally "regenerated", a process that uses an additive and gets rid of most chemicals inside the tanks.
So, I now have two tanks that came from a cosmetics factory, it probably had something like
shampoo or conditioner or something else. The problem is that we spent about an hour washing them out with
water and using a broom to wash the insides. I thought it would be
enough, but sadly it wasn't.
What's worse is that I've included them in a structure, so taking them off the property and getting them regenerated now is impossible (and would be expensive anyway).
I was wondering if there is any way I could clean the tanks myself.
I thought of two strategies which might fix the situation once and for all:
1) Putting something very high in nitrogen inside the tank when full of water and encouraging algae to bloom in the hopes that bring life into the water will also lower the nastiness of the water.
2) Putting a large amount of vinegar inside the tank when full, as to emulate an "additive" that essentially breaks the bonds of the gick.
Do these ideas sound crazy? Anyone have a better idea?