In less than one weeks time I'm going west to Washington to search for a welcoming environment...
By "welcoming" I mean accepted as the strong heartfelt & authentic person I find we all are in one way or another... accepted for medical or handicapping issues including the use of Marijuana as for it's legality in the State of Washington remains a major deciding factor for going...
I've found the community/group/click/some even labeled cult type situations a fearing in the way of placing what is acceptable on the
course of free will... Value systems & personal feelings & be-lie-fs & authoritarian mechanisms have failed too many times...
What I hope to find is a place that is humble
enough to do the "right" thing (not only internally but externally as far as our earth/country/& humanity are concerned as well) & too, expand logically buy implementing a "one world" goal with bunches of unique spirits who find connection rather than separation the medicine or cure & who too are attracted to resolve rather than conflict to begin with...
I see (in theory) a nice off-grid situation with enough acres to produce a heck of a lot of happy people within the living quarters of say 20+ acres (the more the merrier) with a healthy working environment of
sustainable & mutually beneficial relationships with our lands & our counterparts both foreign or domestic to open eyes & inspire healing movements...
Our single selves and our own unique interpersonal talents & skills amassed into an open minded, yet ultimately "healing" community or village or what not... Seems quite peaceful in these times of troubles...
I guess if I had to
answer the question "who are you?" to a crowd...I'd have to respond with "full spectrum"...
Connect with me or just say what's up with me here or FB & let the universe work it out...
As I mentioned I'm on my way to the Northwest coast from Valley
City, North Dakota for an exploratory adventure looking for farms sustainable lifestyles & hopefully help on or start up a community of my own...
Due to medical reasons (Meningitis/brain damage) I've decided on Washington until the fools on capital hill change the Marijuana laws for good...
I grew up in a TINY (less than 25 house) village here in ND & from a big family farm that's had all kinds of different animals & garden crops along with the wheat crops...
I've had my share of
experience you could say...
Say hello if you think we could maybe create something beautiful together...
If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astonish ourselves.
- Edison, Thomas A.
If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astonish ourselves.
- Edison, Thomas A.