The topic of mulch is really broad and large, so it's impossible to cover it all in short, simple responses. But I'll try to give you more info on what seems to be happening to you.
Mulch becoming hydrophobic is an extremely common problem. In my
experience it happens when mulches are allowed to dry out. It is a worse problem when the mulch is fine rather than coarse. Lets look at fine vs coarse.
Coarse mulches dry out because of the large air spaces. When water is added it tends to run down between the pieces rather than being absorbed by the mulch. In reality, this tends to be a benefit. Whatever water you rapidly apply actually reaches the soil. Then the mulch keeps the wind and sun from evaporating the water away. I prefer coarse mulch in permanent situations because it allows water penetration, allows oxygen to reach the soil, it tends not to mat or lodge, nor does it blow away. I will rapidly apply water at first to wet the soil, then follow with a short period of sprinkling in order to moisten the mulch itself.
Fine mulch causes me the most headaches. I try to avoid fine particle mulches. If they are allowed to dry out, they are very difficult to get wet again. Wetting them requires lots of water plus physical turning or mixing of the mulch. Using a garden rake while spraying water helps. But using a hose means it can take hours of labor in a garden or small orchard situation. The thicker the mulch layer, the more water and time it takes. As you discovered, just hosing water on without stirring the mulch means you get some parts over soaked while other layers or spots stay bone dry. The only water that gets through to the soil are spots where the water created a channel through the mulch layer. Getting water to the soil when there is fine particle mulch is possible using a high water flow, that means a hose without a sprinkle or nozzle head. The idea is the punch a hole through the mulch layer so that the water bypasses the mulch.
Fine mulches have other problems associated with them. Fine mulches when kept moist tend to mat. Thus water, be it from natural rain or irrigation, does not evenly enter the soil. There are large areas where the water gets blocked. Wet fine mulch also blocks oxygen. Soil, surface roots, and microbes all need oxygen. Without it, plants suffer or die. I've seen these fine, wet mulches become slimy and slippery. The soil below such mulch is often bone dry.
The one way to use fine mulches to your benefit is to treat it as a dust mulch. That means having a thin layer, perhaps only an inch, and raking it lightly after each water application so that it stays dusty rather than matting up.
How a mulch performs depends upon what it consists of, the particle size, and it's stage of decomposition. For example, whole oak leaves will give different results compared to coarse ground or fine ground leaves. Oak leaves vs. pine needles v.s straw vs. grass clippings vs. pebbles are all vastly different. Every mulch material may have different characteristics and need to be handled a bit differently in order to be useful. And of course, it depends upon climate, location, soil type, etc.
Example....In a small area where I had planted a dozen fruit trees, I made the mistake of using finely shredded compost topped with coarse chopped weeds for mulching. In the drought, it all dried out. The trees wilted even after we had rains. When I discovered the problem, I knew I needed to remove the fine dusty stuff. Using a hay fork with tines about 2 inches apart, I raked the coarse stuff aside, leaving the dusty mulch behind. I then rototilled the dusty stuff into the top inch or inch 1/2 of soil. I did not deeply till because not only of shallow tree roots, but that deep tilled mulch decomposes differently than shallow tilled. I repeated the light tilling every two weeks, adding a light dressing of
chicken and rabbit manure to encourage decomposition. I don't recall exactly how many times I lightly tilled, but I'd guess 5-6 times. Once I was satisfied that the hydrophobic problem was eliminated, I then added a light layer of coarse material. Since then, I haven't had to repeat the tilling. I now maintain a layer no more than two inches of mulch which consists of cinder and shredded coarse compost. This type mulch stays "light" allowing oxygen to enter while retaining moisture. Another orchard mulch used successfully here is macadamia harvest waste, which is a mixture of nut husks, shells, and the soil and cinder picked up by the machines. It's a bit dusty so it is applied lightly, less than one inch.
Hope this gives you some ideas.
...Su Ba