Don Hunley : Look at your name and then l@@k at mine, for the rest of the year we are again asking people to give us a location and their Growing seasonal # if they know
it, it will help with most of the questions asked here at
At the top of the page below the Permies Ad Banner and above the Permies Video clip of the day, is the Permies Toolbox select the
My Profile Button which will put you
on the profile page so that you can help us help you !
With over ~100,000~ RMHs built word wide, there is
still only 'The One Book', Ianto Evans' Great book
Rocket Mass Heaters, goto> to get your PDF Copy $15.oo
instant download and print up the copies you need, one low price ! (and I do not make a dime !!)
Most of the worlds RMHs have been made following 'The Book' and 95%-ish of all the First builds (that worked) were made following plans from 'The Book',
There is a learning curve but after you learn the simple vocabulary so that you can talk to your fellow members, or at least the Rocketeers, scope out the geometry off the
builds layout, and review a little 4th or 5th grade math, you can come back here sure that you can ask any of your questions so that your peers will know what it is that you
want more information on ! For the good of the Craft ! Big AL !