I'm not much of a cyclist, really, just sort of a dabbler. Or maybe a wannabe. Living three miles from most of
local civilization apart from the local gas station and Subway (that killed off the ma&pa deli, but that is another story for another
thread, right) it has been hard to motivate for rides longer than a couple miles here and there, and only braving the one pinch point under the railroad bridge at 46.169566,-122.914977 once to go hang out at a friend's house. That bridge is between me and the few places I'd want to go, so I'm like scared of it. Plus I got this degenerative disk thing going on in my back that bugs me if I ride for more than a couple three miles. Despite that and an atrocious writing style, I am a fan of bicycles, and I am certain they are the only way going forward we can get people around, but only if this weird fascination with living ten miles and more from where we work doesn't work itself out.