Kevin Batselier : Welcome to, our sister site, and a Big Welcome to the Rocket and
Wood Stoves Forums !
Unfortunately, you are in a much better place to tell us, than we are to tell you ! There is some real crap Blue Grey clay, with a very low % of
Alumina Silicates ( I Think thats close) And generally people who think they know Clay just universally reject Blue / Blue Gray clays ! Kinda ''err a''
''what else you got?" Attitude !
The only absolute way to tell is to test fire a set of bricks with different %s of clay and sand. See if they will bake dry without falling apart! Even if it
does not make great cob for high Temp locations it may still be accept able with or without a mix of other different clay it may work in your Cob
Thermal Mass Bench with or with out additional clay mixed in !
Perhaps if you tell us what you use it for we can get a clue, But it may be much simpler to 'look on the box' and Google the information you get
from It !
Irreguardless do come back here and share, that way we ALL Learn ! For the Craft ! Big AL !
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