If you haven't noticed yet... there is a full frontal attack by both industry and governments (trans-national, national, state and local) on those of us who are trying to live self-sufficiently/sustainably and/or in ecologically-sound manners (or just do the morally right thing). Basically,
Permaculture is under attack! Time after time, I see cases where someone comes forward (local news, youtube, etc...) and shows how they have improved their lives/health/etc and maybe those of others... by doing things such as:
- "turning off" the power from the power company to live only off a small
solar setup. Significantly reducing their utility bills and living a "simpler life".
- build a
rocket stove heater.
- collect rain
water to remove the need to irrigate their property using fluorinated/chlorinated
city water.
- using compost, worm or soldier fly casting, or god forbid - real manure from fowl or grass fed animals, to fertilize their plants.
- grow fruit
trees and god forbid - a vegetable garden on "their property", instead of this "manicured lawns" enslavement system we must all partake in.
- grow a
medicinal herb garden.
- taken certain plants to get off pharmaceuticals.
- save your own heirloom seeds to re-grow your plants year after year.
feed the homeless or give back to the community.
- buy or sell "living" food.
- etc...
Only to be visited by a number of different acronym government agencies ready to dish out fines for non-compliance of some stupid ordinance, law, or who-knows-what. Any attempt to get off the path of "hooking-up" to this insidious social "Matrix" of where you must watch your mandatory TV programming, eat your GMO infused processed chemical foodstuff, take your cholesterol reducing and mind altering pharmaceuticals, deviate from the force-fed left/right political paradigm conversation, etc... must be punished and must be punished publicly and harshly.
Sorry for the rant. But, the insanity has gotten so pervasive lately, that this behavior can no longer be seen as accidental. Some of us have woken up to the fact that this "Matrix" is unsustainable to the earth, to our healths, and to our childrens' future. Instead of just "talking about it" casually at parties (politically correct "greenies" - all talk and no action), and wondering when and if things will ever improve, some of us actually try to "walk the talk", and better our lives for ourselves by doing something about it. But, we do it at our own peril. I would love to do a youtube about some of the things I've done on my property. But, there is a fear that this will only invite undesired government intrusion onto my life. I am not doing this for
profit. It's for my family's health and wellbeing.
How insane has our world gotten when do the right thing is being made illegal? Yet, committing crimes against nature is OK, as long as your are doing it with government approved poisons... Am I the only one feeling like this?