pine has a thing called phenyls or something like that, its what makes pine have that strong HEY-I-SMELL-LIKE-PINE!!! smell. its really bad for you to breath in, for any animal, and there is the chance of it causing them respiratory illness.
also you dont want to use anything "dust" because imagine you laying in that with your nose and mouth like a half-inch or inch away from it at all times. lots of breathing in dust.
that said i used the "equine pine pellet" bedding (40# bag at TSC for like $6) and put plenty of
hay over it and make sure it doesnt start to show.
just more info, dont
feed pine needles or anything else with phenyls in it because its been linked to birth defects, abortions, and a few other things i wasnt 100% bought on but wouldnt like to chance it. but definitely the birth defects and abortions. i talked
alot with another person who was also trying to raise them for small meat production and they were feeding pine needles for the vit c (pine needles are high vit c) but they were having all birth defects and abortions and cannibilism,.....
hope you find a bedding that works for you!