Been watching hours of videos and am getting ready to build a
compost pile. I am making three raised beds and need soil, want to "build it myself" instead of buying planting mix already done. I have access to as much horse
poop as anyone would need for free, I have a good few cubic feet of mixed hay/dirt from last years
hay bale garden, it has been composting over winter without much breakdown. I also have a few trays of worm castings built up. I have a 55 gallon barrel of fermenting ground up kitchen scraps that was going to
feed my small worm bin. I have almost a gallon of worm tea drippings from over the winter, and a few bags of bone meal, blood meal, and rock dust. Also have a good pile of mostly hardwood leaves that have been rotting over winter along the forest edge.
My questions are, do I need to go find greens to get this thing to take off? Will my brown sludge of fine pureed fermenting kitchen scraps be the nitrogen source or do I need to go find a bale of last years hay or
coffee grounds or something from someone? There is nothing really green around here yet, except pine
trees. Do pine needles work good or
should I avoid composting pine?
Thanks for any advice you could give.