I have a 8.5 acre natural farm in Southern Louisiana. I'm trying to expand get into production and would like someone to work with me for exchamge for room and board. We can explore other options after we see if things work out. I travel to LA for weeks at a time and am looking for some to share a 5 bedroom house with me and hold down the fort while I'm away. I could use the help planning and implementing a working farm. I am 60 miles from New Orleans. Things are easy and laid back in this area. I am inspired by
Fukuoka and forest garden approaches. Currently I have a mature orchard producing satsuma, navel orange, cumquat, red and white mulberry, and still planting many other species. Marketing options to
sell to
local coop or put together our own CSA. Welcome to eat as much from the
land as you can fill and even a personal garden if you wish. I plan to have
bees in the near future also. I have a vision that
enough food can be grown here to take care of all our needs and many other people. I' m a RN and a Practioner of Reams Biological theory of ionization of human health and would like to apply his principles to the soil to help change the health of people in the area.
The property is on the Bayou and also has a 2.5 acre
pond that is great for fishing and swimming after a long day in the dirt. Household is
vegetarian but respectful of others choices.as long as it is not cooked in the house. I have 2 big lovable Portuguese
Water Dogs that need love and attention when I'm away.
I 've been away from the farm for 8 years and have been living in LA and have returned to do what I dream about ....while I talk about it in LA. I'm ready for company that is hard working, up beat, happy, and kind.