I have videos and articles at http://www.starterpermaculture.com
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My project thread
Agriculture collects solar energy two-dimensionally; but silviculture collects it three dimensionally.
Cj Verde wrote:I've been a bee keeper for 43 days and I've noticed the "natural bee keepers" and the conventional ones can get a bit combative. The other side feels threatened and doesn't want to have a conversation. On another forum it became clear that any "natural" approach was going to get slapped down so I wont be posting about bees on that site anytime soon.
That's why Paul set up permies. No need to argue with people who think we need pesticides and herbicides to feed the world. Enjoy the positive atmosphere here and don't get sucked into the negativity there.
I have videos and articles at http://www.starterpermaculture.com
Drop by and say hi! Let me know where you found me.
"We're all just walking each other home." -Ram Dass
"Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder."-Rumi
"It's all one song!" -Neil Young
Judith Browning wrote:really nice meme, caleb! if you want, you could add it to the MEME FACTORY that was begun by Dave Burton....that thread is for the final memes . he has a thread begun for photo submissions and also one for submissions....as a stop to see if they need work, spelling corrections, etc. the links are all in the "meme factory" thread.
I have videos and articles at http://www.starterpermaculture.com
Drop by and say hi! Let me know where you found me.
"We're all just walking each other home." -Ram Dass
"Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder."-Rumi
"It's all one song!" -Neil Young
Judith Browning wrote:You can use any of the photos submitted to meme factory photo submissions and then when you have completed one or more memes post them in the meme factory submissions thread. we need more folks participating:)
I have videos and articles at http://www.starterpermaculture.com
Drop by and say hi! Let me know where you found me.
Caleb Skinns wrote:
What is the difference between natural and conventional bee-keeping?
My project thread
Agriculture collects solar energy two-dimensionally; but silviculture collects it three dimensionally.
Caleb Skinns wrote:I was reading this post on reddit when I read this reply from no_inside_voice, followed by Rogue369's reply. This lead to me getting annoyed and posting this. This was a perfect example of:
but I tried to put out a less angry more sourced comment here
I was just wondering what people would think of the last comment? Was I out of line or off base?
There is nothing so bad that politics cannot make it worse. - Thomas Sowell
Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom. - Albert Einstein
Cj Sloane wrote:I've been a bee keeper for 43 days and I've noticed the "natural bee keepers" and the conventional ones can get a bit combative. The other side feels threatened and doesn't want to have a conversation. On another forum it became clear that any "natural" approach was going to get slapped down so I wont be posting about bees on that site anytime soon.
That's why Paul set up permies. No need to argue with people who think we need pesticides and herbicides to feed the world. Enjoy the positive atmosphere here and don't get sucked into the negativity there.
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