I have entertained a creative fantasy around this idea ever since I heard about the guy in Mexico. Particularly if this thing were located in "trashy" waters (great pacific garbage patch, maybe?), it could perform a useful service to the larger earth system by gathering up floating plastic and drifting nets and incorporating these into itself. Plastic and other containers filled with air, and held together with the nets. Both of these things are big problems in the oceans, and probably in lakes and rivers as well. The island would need to be big enough to be mostly self-sufficient, having on-site power systems, probably a desalination system as well as rain catchments, and probably a way to at least slowly navigate (sails?) Being able to move out of the way of hurricanes would be important unless the thing were huge, and there are some pretty serious lake storms too....perhaps get it into a sheltered bay for winters? An oceanic island could be a productive
aquaculture site as well, with shellfish like mussels finding a habitat on the underside....
Carrying the fantasy a bit further (if anything, a wonderful sci-fi novel!), if the island were in "international waters", wouldn't it potentially be its own nation? able to make its own laws, etc.? Endless possibilities.
And endless challenges. I've spent much of my adult life in intentional communities of various sorts, some quite established, and others just starting out on raw
land. I can say from bitter
experience that, all in all, it's relatively easy to design and create a site, obtain one's basic needs, even make money at it if that's what you want.....all of these things are intrinsically easier in a larger group than the "nuclear family". But the basic human dynamics of getting along with each other, especially among the stubborn, idealistic sorts of people that such projects attract, will get in the way, and quite often destroy the whole thing, much more often than not.....