Love your response, Zack.
OK ... so "hell" is out, but hairy legs are in. This shouldn't be too hard.
I have the sweetest sister. She's 36 going on 26. Loves to garden, works with herbs, makes her own medicines, can make a camp from sticks and stones and find a way to
feed herself and all the things she loves ... and she LOVES all things. "Pro Life"? This gal is tender to everything. She can split
firewood too.
She is about 5'5" and might be pushing 180 lbs ... hard to judge, but she is ALL muscle. Pretty too, in an outdoor kind of way. She is the most spiritual person I know. Is she a "christian"? That's still a hard question to answer based on your description. In my own very humble opinion she is one of the most "Christ'like" persons I know. That's kinda what the word Christian really means, doesn't it? Christian ... Christ-like?
Yeah, she's read the Bible forwards and backwards, and a whole lot of other things too. An ardent seeker after truth I would say. She can meet people EXACTLY wherever she finds them intellectually and become their best friend in the shortest of spans ... NOT because she is "trying" to be friendly, but just because she really IS. The most unpretentious gal I've ever known.
I believe she could carry a forty pound pack twenty miles a day if asked, and could rise early, cook breakfast, clean up the camp and be ready to do it again for as long as you might wish to go. She can hunt and fish, but prefers road-kill.
I don't know if she really wants to raise a man or not. But she would make a superb partner in any enterprise or endeavor she chose.
Glad you like the hair. She's got lots. Black and beautiful. Must be the
native in her. But she plucks her eyebrow so it becomes eyebrows, and I suspect she might shave her cheeks on rare occasion, but she really is all-woman. Strong, smart, kind.
Oh yeah ... and she'd kill me if she knew I was writing this. But I'd be interested in your reaction. She has flawless teeth. Says its from eating wild leeks.
Maybe you can describe yourself physically. Someone else might come to mind. I know lots of good women who really just want to be themselves and break out of these vicious cultural constraints.
She's just the best. Courageous. Braver than most men I've ever known.l