I've seen examples right in my neck of the woods.
... Homeowner built an incredibly sturdy rack for his
solar panel array. Sturdy big beams cemented into the ground. Tradewinds were not going to be a problem for him. But he built it way too far from his house, thus it was going to cost him a fortune to run big gauge wire from his panels to his house inverter. He bit the bullet and did it.
... Another home builder didn't track the path of the sun during the day & year prior to erecting their solar panels and solar
water systems. Turns out that the location only got good sun during the winter and then only during the morning.
... A new wannabe farmer planted an entire orchard of macnut trees without having the pahoehoe lava hammered for each tree. The trees grew so-so for a couple of years then blew over in the first windstorm. He lost the entire orchard.