Paul wheaton doesn't like newspaper/cardboard and one of the reasons is 'toxic gick'. I've always held the belief that
cardboard and newspaper were safe to use. The industry now uses soy inks that make recycling easier.
It's also an excuse for the poor quality of newspaper these days, (I have clippings from the 30s onwards for family history stuff and the recent ones look worse than the older ones apart from some yellowing.)
I assume there's other chemicals like bleach etc but a quick Google doesn't tell me anything.
Can anyone share some sources on the paper industry in Australia specifically about chemicals in the end product. (I'm fully aware that chopping down
trees and the processing of paper (even recycled) is pretty bad.) The paper I would be using would be taken out of the waste stream from my
local coffee shop, hairdresser, work, the free local paper that gets left on trains etc.
The information on newspaper websites I'm assuming is biased and all I can find is 'we use soy ink which is safe because we said so'.
Thanks for any help