Hello Everyone! I know I've been posting about problems lately, but when it rains it pours, I guess.
We have been having a problem with our goat
milk souring way to quickly. Like 1-2 days and the jar is sour. Not only sour but kind of slimy as well. Earlier this year our milk would keep for 7-8 days in the refrigerator nor problem, but for the last three months or so there has been no consistency. It will keep fine for a while and then we'll have a week where every other batch just sours so quickly.
The trouble seems to have started when they went from being fed
hay to grazing, but I could be wrong.
What is not the problem: I have controlled all the goats (8 milkers at the moment) separating their milk out systematically, and it does not seem to be one particular goat. We clean all our jars and utensils very throughly. We clean the goats udders very thoroughly at EVERY milking, we use a separate room for milking other than the stalls.
Any thoughts??