First off, please accept my sympathy. I have fought this battle, and in fact, continue to fight it as I am able. This is your big chance, if you like researching on the Internet.
Moles are carnivores, voles are herbivores, if the buggars ate your potatoes, they're voles. Lotsa stuff to read on the computer. I have tried gassing them with the exhaust from the riding lawnmower, also a railroad fusee lit and stuck in a tunnel, not to mention carbide and
water, then cover the hole... Oh, and planting castor beans, an electronic buzzer dealy, and flooding too.... I really, really don't like them. I have an asparagus bed that I'd dug out and had river bottom gumbo and old horse manure and sand in there too. The dang asparagus was growing like weeds, real stout, pretty stuff. It was the Arnold Schwartzenegger of the asparagus world. One day, it started to look kinda puny, and to my everlasting horror, I discovered that the sneaky little voles were eating the
roots. Thus began the past few years of fighting the little pests. Good luck! I grew some huge castor bean plants, but that may be illegal in some places. The castor bean plants also consumed nutrients formerly available to the asparagus. Everything's a tradeoff, right? Good luck! Best, TM