I've lived off-grid in NB for 10 years now and have had an Envirolet composting toilet since the beginning. I have to tell you that I absolutely hate it and it doesn't work at all like they advertise. Others I know here in NB who also have composting toilet systems say the same. You have to have a 12 volt fan running all the time and they break almost every year when snow and ice gets down the pipe and clog/break the fan. Believe me, you don't want to be in a house without the fan going on a composting toilet as the smell is horrific. It also does not
compost most of the manure even in the summer months and practically not at all in the winter as it freezes and you can't aerate with the handle. The design is completely flawed as the aerator actually just moves the manure back and forth - it does not turn it or mix it which is required for proper composting. Cleaning out uncomposted manure is one of the worst jobs you can imagine. Especially because the hole going into the tank is so small you can't fit a shovel or anything like one inside so you literally have to almost stick your head in there and use a little scoop to clean it. The manure falls down the sides of the rails and it is impossible to get it out. The
urine also does not drain properly as the little tiny hose easily gets clogged so it all stays in the lower part of the tank and when you pull out the tray be prepared for a flood of urine and runny manure. I wish I had better news, believe me! I've been researching other composting toilets on the market and they're basically all the same. After 10 years of this I'm actually thinking I might have to put in a septic tank and that goes against all my off-grid interests and values. I agree however with whoever posted about buying the Human Manure book and may look more into building my own system. Anything is better than Envirolet, including pooping in a
bucket! By the way, you have to be very careful about regulations for composting toilet systems in NB. While I've been told they exist and a person can get nailed if its not set up completely properly I've yet been able to track down those regulations and no one in the departments of Public Health, Environment or Natural Resources have been able to tell me where to get a copy of the regulations. So if you find them I'd be interested! Good luck!