I've been installing a UK-style hedgerow in Southwestern Ontario at our farm over the past 3 years. It's quite long, serving as the inside perimeter of about 4 acres of field. I will not go into detail about why and how much I love hedgerows, but based on how many hours I've put into (attempting!) to create one, it
should be evident!
I worked with a local guy (Jim Jones) out of Guelph, who does consulting on hedgerows. He studies them for a living, and I got some great ideas from him.
I planted two staggered rows, with each row having about 16" between trees. I chose 60% thorny species, and 40% other types. I spread these species out in the staggered pattern, but in retrospect, I think this only really matters for the thorney species, to make sure you get thorny coverage (which you really only need for animals).
For the thorny species, I chose a mix of osage orange and
honey locust. Although I couldn't find any confirmed information on honey locust used this way, I've seen how it responds to wounds, and am fairly sure it will respond in the desired way. I would have used more osage orange, but had trouble with seed germination and supply, and funding (it's not currently native to my region, though fossil evidence shows it once was).
I would suggest against using black locust in this context, unless you are prepared for the suckers. Black locust sends up suckers very very far from the base of the tree, so unless you have a plan for that... I love them in many other contexts.
For the other trees, I used chestnuts, hazels, mulberries, and serviceberries (aka juneberries/saskatoon berries). I also used nannyberries and red ozier dogwood, which are for berries and basket material.
Lessons, some learned the hard way:
1. plant over serveral years, if possible, both spring and fall. Trees will die, and by planting at a bunch of times, you won't lose all of them if there is a problem with drought or too much
2. Use tree guards on every tree, as soon as planted. I cut down white spiral ones to the size of the tree.
3. Try to plant trees already above tall grass level. This isn't always possible, but weeding a hedgerow to protect the trees is very time consuming work. For reasons of labour saving, I mostly planted whatever-size stock I got, rather than planting them in the garden, letting them grow, then digging and planting them later. Planting them twice is also a huge amount of work, and I regretted the ones I did that with. Especially as they were only a little bit bigger from spring to fall.
4. At the time of establishment, if you can have a lot of mulch, such as rolling out large round bales of spoiled
hay, that can help. Remulching by hand at my scale hasn't been possible.
5. Some areas will just be harder than others to get trees established. Is it too wet for your desired species? Is a really tough groundcover already established in this area? Try to listen, by looking at what else is growing nearby, and consider transplanting some of those, or getting more of the same species for that section of the hedge.
It will be several years before it is ready to be laid for the first time. I'm still planting it! About 200 honey locust going in this fall.
With annual pruning at the top and sides (look into detail on this, as technique has a pretty big impact), it should only be about once per generation that it has to be relaid.
Although I imagine you are well underway with this
project, being as mine has been a truly multi-year project, I thought I would share some details.
Good luck!