My dad always increased his hot
coffee intake. It warmed him, causing more sweat, causing him to cool off. This never worked, for me. Especially in higher humidity.
In winter, we use warming spices in hot teas & our food - an absolute favorite for us is a hot lemon/ ginger/ cayenne tea, that does the trick to warm us, without fail. In the summer heat, I keep a couple different cooling waters &/or tisanes in the fridge, to draw from, like cucumber, melon, or berry water, or mint,
rose, or other herbal tisanes.
When it's just the two of us, our home is also 'pants optional', lol. So, light-weight, natural fabrics that keep warm skin from touching warm skin on top (long tshirts, tunics, shorter dresses,etc), underwear, and a sweat-wicking, natural fiber towel under us, to keep our legs from sticking to furniture is pretty much our summertime normal. If we go off the homestead or have company, John always reverts to his jeans, but I switch to (stil lightweight, breathable, wicking natural fabric) somewhat longer skirts, or dresses.
My hair comes up, off my neck. Outside, a mesh or very vented hat with a sun-repelling crown & (preferably wide) brim are helpful, as is keeping a hand fan in a pocket, at the ready, and a thermos full of more of those cooling drinks.
A short, cool (not cold)
shower after outside chores helps cool the body quickly, without shock.
Keeping the power usage down, indoors goes a long way toward keeping the house cool. All those
lights, televisions, etc, produce heat. Refrigerators and freezers put off SOOO much heat! So, if they can be moved to the garage, the house will be cooler. In our case, we have a fridge in the kitchen for normal use, but we have a second one in the attached garage, for longer-term stuff, like slowing/longer term preservation of ferments (temps in the high 90°s - low 100s°s are normal for our summers!), and cooling/aging meats for butchering/processing, etc. I can't imagine the amount of heat the 2nd fridge would add, inside the kitchen.