Yeah just use them as chop n drop instead of watching paint dry or worse sports.
But you can take cuttings of nice figs easily, they're not difficult to take with a bit of love they'll do. There is a lot of difference in growth rate though. My fig took a long time to get big and tall and give fruit, to the amusement of my neighbor who had visited a castle with a giant fig tree and sneaked out a couple of cutting sized branches that grew into giants in a season.
She kept asking '' how is your fig doing'' while passing it weekly in her van for years. Now they have to keep pruning it every year, mine got big with better fruits giving every year. I've obtained another one from a friend which is a fast grower which can stand cold better, i'm at the northern edge of where they will grow, need a southern exposed wall for them to lean to.
There are so many fig varieties because they cross easily. Chose wisely from a
local nursery if there is one if people can't give cuttings of ones you like.