posted 1 year ago
The site is free to view. Free to post. It seems like this almost always means there is some sort of catch.
Everybody thinks there needs to be another rule added to signup. Not ten pages of rules, but just their one rule. Maybe two. And when everybody gets what they want, it ends up being ten pages.
Every site will be less than perfect. Every site will be some flavor of klunky. Every site comes at some sort of cost.
I think that for a free site, for which I pay a lot, this is a pretty excellent site. Less than perfect. Klunky. And excellent.
Further, our way of doing stuff is not very etched in stone. So what would we say is our "rule" or even "policy" or "guideline". We tend to operate on vaguaries.
Further still: if there is, say, five rules: how many people will actually read them on sign up? 2%?
There have been a lot of people that felt it would be wise to warn people at the beginning of what an awful person i am. And for every one of those people there seems to be a dozen or more that think I'm pretty great.
I made this site, and I continue to pay for this site to talk about the things I wanna talk about in a way I wanna talk about them. I thought there would only be a handful of people that would be cool with that, but it seems like there are a LOT of people that are cool with that. And that's cool. But once there are a lot of people, then there are a few that think that once there are a lot of people, things need to be done a different way. Their way.
I think we're good just the way we are.