Lemuria Love : Welcome to
Permies.com, our sister site
Richsoil.com, and a big Welcome to the Rocket and Woods stove Forum
Treads, with over 27,000 fellow members world wide you may expect to come here 24 / 7 and find someone how wants to talk about what you
want to talk about ! With widely different backgrounds and widely differing interpretations on life, they will stretch your mind as you will stretch
The great Scottish Diaspora has scattered many, many, children of the Tartan all over the globe, and while Lumleys are scarce on the Ground,
we are locally well represented with Loves !
Here in Northern New York State and 'New England' we are 'blessed with some of the oldest rock on the planet, peeking out through our rocky
soil like the rotten teeth in the gums of a Meth-head!
Even here it is possible to find
local accumulations of local clay, Good locally found clay may be a secret closely guarded by your local potter,
if you explain you only want
enough for your structural cost and a final wash coat(s) this May make them more include to help you!
Also your local Excavation contractor will know every soil type and its depth, and the characteristics of any overburden, within a100 Km circle!
As he will have to pay to have the 'spoil' removed from onsite, and then pay to dump the material, anyone who says they are looking for 'Clean
Fill' -will get his attention.
Warning it is your job to test the clay for its suitability before delivery, Once the tailgate drops, and the hoist
raises the bed, its yours forever !
If non of that works, its back to the potter or a college ceramics
class to find out where you can get 'Fireclay' put up in 50# bags !
For finish work and testing local clays I can recommend the book
" The Hand-sculpted house " Ianto Evans et al ! I hope this helps and is
timely, Big AL