Hello all, I've been a member for some time, but not active. I have the Ianto Evans and Leslie Jackson book for reference.
I will be building two or maybe three rocket stoves in this upcoming year and need some clarity of certain aspects for my main house one.
Can someone please clarify what the temperature is likely to be directly under the combustion chamber and barrel and for how deep this temperature is likely to go in a stone
Rocket Mass Heater base sitting on a
concrete slab of between six inches and nine inches thick (my spirit level was wonky at the earlier stages of construction so the slab went down at varying thicknesses). The slab is sitting on four inches of polystyrene which is on plastic Damp Proof
Course on top of sixteen inches of sand/ gravel and broken stone. There is also underfloor heating pipes in the concrete slab at a depth of four to six inches (just in case the
rocket stove isn't suitable for our needs- my disabled hubby may need an easier to use system in the future). I'm a belt and braces girl.
My initial design had the
rocket stove in a certain position so I designed the underfloor heating pipes to not be directly under the stove, but, the actual placement of walls has shown that I really could do with the
Rocket Mass Heater in a different position where there will be some pipes underneath it. If the temperature directly under the combustion stove and the barrel isn't high
enough to melt the plastic pipe I would like to go with the new position.
Thanks for any help.