Ideally you can get very large containers. I used to use beverage tubs between 10 and 17 gallons each. The larger containers let me get away with watering once a day in the hot summer. I found several large plants in a larger tub did better than 1 plant in a 5 gallon
Ideally you can use something like a
boot tray to keep water from going to the balcony below you. It will also let the plants suck up excess water during the day.
I have found that container gardens need extra feeding to keep the plant fruiting. I used worm
compost tea, Neptune's Harvest and Espoma Plant Tone to
feed my plants.
I made my own potting soil with good compost with peat moss or coconut coir. It is cheaper to buy components and mix your own potting mix.
I also would add a layer of mulch to the containers. The plants like it.