so my goal for this year was to remove the front
lawn and replace it w/ a edible yarden. so far i've removed all the grass from the yard and excavated about 12" of top layer of soil. over the past 2 months i've been collecting fallen leaves from my neighborhood yards, getting
wood shavings from wood workers, horse manure & picked up 13 bales of
straw for free. i made what i think is a monumental mistake. i placed the leaves & straw directly on top of the excavated dirt. well, i noticed in one of my barrels with the collected leaves there was crabgrass pieces and it was forming new
roots. not only that.. the straw had wheat seeds that are sprouting.. that stuff is impossible to get rid of when it takes
root in the soil.
should i remove everything i've collected and put it into a composting pile hoping the heat will kill the roots? there is just too much to sift through to find every little root.. i'm very beat down from finding these roots...