Kerry Rodgers wrote:
"You can do anything you want, but no effluent of any kind can ever touch the ground."
Deb Stephens wrote:
Seems to me the key word here is "effluent". At what point does this become just plain water?
Success has a Thousand Fathers , Failure is an Orphan
Author of Septic Tank Options and Alternativesand Permaculture Guide to Reed Beds, published by Permanent Publications, UK.
Author of Septic Tank Options and Alternativesand Permaculture Guide to Reed Beds, published by Permanent Publications, UK.
Feidhlim Harty wrote:I'm not sure what your winters are like - do willows thrive in Texas or would you need something else?
Author of Septic Tank Options and Alternativesand Permaculture Guide to Reed Beds, published by Permanent Publications, UK.
Spare the rod, spoil the child. Here, use this tiny ad named Rod:
the permaculture bootcamp in winter (plus half-assed holidays)