I need some help - even if it's a website or book to read. We have three milking ND goats and a doeling. They have a permanent paddock with fencing and
shelter, we (ideally) take them out on good days to a temporary electric
fence. Before buying our third goat, the other two would go happily
enough to their temp
fence, stay in and browse. We bought a third doe in
milk a month ago and found out quickly that in spite of her girth, she is a fantastic fence jumper. She taught the younger of the other two goats to jump and we've been unable to keep them in the woods because of that (the non-jumper does not like to be there alone with just her doeling for company). I think I've mentioned this in the other post on temporary fencing for goats. We've reinforced the electric fence, tried stock panels instead etc.
The thing that boggles me is that the two jumpers seem frantic to escape... like they are afraid. They won't relax to eat. We took them for a walk in the woods today to see how they did. Previously they were curious little goats, sidetracked and munching away. This time we had to walk the dog behind them to get them to go and they ran us ragged all the way back! The non jumper is the only one who snacked and seemed fine. I can't figure out if something scared them back there (a coyote or other animal?), they are terrified of mosquitoes, if the new goat has told the younger goat scary forest stories, or
? And why it only seems to affect the jumpers and not the mom and her dueling. Totally at a loss here about what to do. Thanks!